Monday, April 24, 2023

How do military time

military time (or 24-hour time) is a way of keeping time that is used by the Armed Forces, emergency services, and other entities that need to communicate a precise time. Military time is based on 24 hours rather than the 12-hour clock most people use in their daily lives. It uses a single system for counting hours from 00:00 (midnight) to 23:59 (one minute before midnight).

The 24-hour clock has a variety of advantages over the 12-hour clock. It eliminates ambiguity by always referring to events relative to midnight. For example, an event at 17:00 (5:00 pm) can be clearly indicated as 17:00 rather than 5:00 pm without confusion about whether this means morning or evening. Also, it's easier to calculate a difference between two times when you don't have to worry about which side of noon or midnight a particular reading falls on. Finally, military personnel may be inputting or calculating times from multiple locations—some of which may not observe daylight savings changes—so this reduces errors due to miscommunication and misunderstanding.

To read military time properly, you need to break down the numbers into two distinct sets of information—the first two digits represent the hour and the remaining two represent the minutes. For instance, "0830" is read as "Zero Eight Thirty" and means 8:30 am; "1745" is read as "Seventeen Forty Five" and means 5:45 pm; and "2330" is read as "Twenty Three Thirty" and means 11:30 pm. You may also encounter military time designated with just one digit for the hour, such as 845 for 8:45 am (0845). In such cases, you can assume that it's an hour earlier than it would normally be indicated if spelled out in full (745 in this case).

Military time formats are fairly universal across locations/regions because they don't depend on knowing what time zone or daylight savings plan any particular location will follow at any given moment. If you need to communicate across different public/private entities around the world or even different branches within one organization - Military Time will give everyone involved more consistent results since everyone understands how to interpret it correctly once they are accustomed with how it works.

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